The monster is not a naturally wicked creature; he became bad because of his abandonment by Frankenstein and environmental factors around him. Much like a child, the creature was innocent and kind in the beginning of his life and was then forced to face the harsh realities of the world alone. One does not have angry feelings at birth, or in this case creation. Some horrible act creates that feeling of hatred and revenge that leads to an evil being.
To be brought into this world by someone and then abandoned by that same person can cause emotional trauma. When the creature is left behind by Frankenstein to fend for himself without any guidance, feelings of anger and hatred begin to arise. His confused and naive self is forced to survive and learn on his own. The creature has no one to direct him through life and help him when he becomes confused by all new, unknown things. His only coping mechanism is to lash out with anger when he is rejected time and time again by everyone.
Environmental factors such as society also brought about the wickedness of the monster. In the beginning of his life the creature witnessed the love and acceptance of a companion and family. Yet the only interaction he receives is hated and fear from all who come in contact with him. The creature must cope with prejudice and judgmental people who refuse to give him a chance. When no one understands you or how you're feeling, anger becomes the number one emotion which over rides practical thinking for the creature.
Like any human being the creature desired human contact and a sense of belonging to someone or something. When he is denied this in an unfair manor the creature becomes somewhat evil and wants revenge on the one who gave him this hellish life. It was not present in him from the beginning but grew because of bad parenting and negative environmental factors.
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